20 Important Characters of the New Testament with Proper Bible References


The New Testament is a collection of sacred texts that form the second part of the Christian Bible. It consists of various books that provide accounts of the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the early Christian community. Within these texts, numerous characters play significant roles in advancing the narrative and conveying important messages. In this blog post, we will explore 20 important characters of the New Testament, providing their names, brief introductions, purposes, tasks, and relevant Bible references.

1. Jesus Christ

Meaning: “God saves”
Introduction: Jesus Christ is the central figure of the New Testament, believed by Christians to be the Son of God and the Messiah. He is revered as the savior who came to redeem humanity.
Purpose: To fulfill prophecies, teach about God’s kingdom, perform miracles, die on the cross for humanity’s sins, and rise from the dead.
Task: Jesus’ primary task was to bring salvation to humanity by offering himself as a sacrifice.

Bible References: Matthew 1:21, John 3:16, Luke 24:6

2. Mary, Mother of Jesus

Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Introduction: Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ, chosen by God to bear His son. She is highly revered in Christianity.
Purpose: To give birth to Jesus, nurture him, and support his mission.
Task: Mary’s task was to raise Jesus and provide him with a loving and supportive environment.

Bible References: Luke 1:30-31, Luke 2:7, John 2:1-5

3. John the Baptist

Meaning: “God is gracious”
Introduction: John the Baptist was a prophet who prepared the way for Jesus Christ. He baptized people and preached repentance.
Purpose: To announce the coming of the Messiah and prepare people for his ministry.
Task: John’s task was to baptize Jesus and testify to his identity as the Son of God.

Bible References: Matthew 3:1-3, Mark 1:4, John 1:29-34

4. Peter (Simon Peter)

Meaning: “Rock”
Introduction: Peter was one of Jesus’ closest disciples and later became a prominent leader in the early Christian church.
Purpose: To be a witness of Jesus’ ministry and spread the gospel.
Task: Peter’s task was to proclaim Jesus as the Messiah, preach the gospel, and establish the foundations of the Christian church.

Bible References: Matthew 4:18, Matthew 16:18, Acts 2:14-41

5. Paul (Apostle Paul)

Meaning: “Small” or “Humble”
Introduction: Paul, formerly known as Saul, was a zealous persecutor of Christians before his conversion. He became an influential apostle and writer of several New Testament books.
Purpose: To spread the gospel to the Gentiles and establish Christian communities.
Task: Paul’s task was to preach the teachings of Jesus Christ, establish churches, and write letters to guide and encourage early believers.

Bible References: Acts 9:1-22, Acts 13:2-3, Romans 1:1

6. John the Apostle

Meaning: “Yahweh is gracious”
Introduction: John was one of the twelve apostles and is known as the author of the Gospel of John, three epistles, and the book of Revelation.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry, teachings, death, and resurrection.
Task: John’s task was to record and share his experiences with Jesus and convey important theological messages.

Bible References: Matthew 4:21, John 13:23, Revelation 1:1

7. James (James the Greater)

Meaning: “Supplanter”
Introduction: James was one of the twelve apostles and the brother of John. He was one of the inner circle of disciples closest to Jesus.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry and be a part of his inner circle.
Task: James’ task was to support Jesus’ mission and later become a leader in the early Christian community.

Bible References: Matthew 4:21, Matthew 17:1, Acts 12:2

8. John the Evangelist

Meaning: “Yahweh is gracious”
Introduction: John the Evangelist, also known as John the Beloved, was a disciple of Jesus and the author of the Gospel of John.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry and convey his teachings through writing.
Task: John’s task was to write a gospel that emphasized Jesus’ divinity and love for humanity.

Bible References: Matthew 4:21, John 19:26, John 20:2

9. Matthew (Levi)

Meaning: “Gift of God”
Introduction: Matthew was one of the twelve apostles and a tax collector before he followed Jesus. He wrote the Gospel of Matthew.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry and convey his teachings through writing.
Task: Matthew’s task was to write a gospel that focused on Jesus’ teachings, fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies, and his role as the Messiah.

Bible References: Matthew 9:9, Matthew 10:3, Matthew 28:19

10. Mary Magdalene

Meaning: “Bitter” or “Rebellious”
Introduction: Mary Magdalene was a follower of Jesus and one of the women present at his crucifixion and resurrection.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.
Task: Mary Magdalene’s task was to support Jesus’ ministry and be a witness to his resurrection.

Bible References: Luke 8:2, Mark 15:40-41, John 20:1-18

11. Thomas (Doubting Thomas)

Meaning: “Twin”
Introduction: Thomas was one of the twelve apostles and is known for his initial doubt regarding Jesus’ resurrection.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry and be a part of his inner circle.
Task: Thomas’ task was to spread the gospel and later become a martyr for his faith.

Bible References: Matthew 10:3, John 20:24-29, Acts 1:13

12. Judas Iscariot

Meaning: “Praise”
Introduction: Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve apostles who betrayed Jesus by identifying him to the religious authorities.
Purpose: To be one of the twelve apostles and witness Jesus’ ministry.
Task: Judas’ task was to be a disciple of Jesus, but he ultimately betrayed him, leading to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion.

Bible References: Matthew 10:4, Matthew 26:14-16, Matthew 27:3-5

13. Mary and Martha

Meaning: Mary – “Bitter” or “Rebellious,” Martha – “Lady” or “Mistress”
Introduction: Mary and Martha were sisters who were close friends of Jesus.
Purpose: To provide hospitality and support Jesus’ ministry.
Task: Mary and Martha’s task was to host Jesus and his disciples, listen to his teachings, and demonstrate faith and devotion.

Bible References: Luke 10:38-42, John 11:1-44, John 12:1-8

14. Mary, Mother of James

Meaning: “Wished-for child”
Introduction: Mary, the mother of James, was one of the women present at Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.
Purpose: To witness Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection.
Task: Mary’s task was to support Jesus’ ministry and be a witness to his crucifixion and resurrection.

Bible References: Matthew 27:56, Mark 15:40-47, Mark 16:1-8

15. Stephen

Meaning: “Crown”
Introduction: Stephen was one of the first deacons in the early Christian church and the first Christian martyr.
Purpose: To serve the early Christian community and defend the faith.
Task: Stephen’s task was to assist in the distribution of food and aid to the needy and boldly proclaim the gospel, even in the face of persecution.

Bible References: Acts 6:5, Acts 7:54-60, Acts 8:1-2

16. Timothy

Meaning: “Honoring God”
Introduction: Timothy was a companion and disciple of Paul, known for his faithfulness and commitment to the Christian mission.
Purpose: To assist Paul in his ministry and spread the gospel.
Task: Timothy’s task was to accompany Paul, learn from him, and later become a leader in the early Christian community.

Bible References: Acts 16:1-3, 1 Timothy 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:5

17. Titus

Meaning: “Defender”
Introduction: Titus was a companion and disciple of Paul, known for his organizational skills and leadership abilities.
Purpose: To assist Paul in his ministry and establish order in the early Christian communities.
Task: Titus’ task was to accompany Paul, support his teachings, and help establish and strengthen churches.

Bible References: 2 Corinthians 2:13, Titus 1:4, Titus 3:12

18. Barnabas

Meaning: “Son of Encouragement”
Introduction: Barnabas was an early Christian leader and companion of Paul, known for his generosity and encouragement.
Purpose: To support and encourage the early Christian community.
Task: Barnabas’ task was to accompany Paul, provide financial support, and encourage new believers.

Bible References: Acts 4:36, Acts 9:27, Acts 11:22-26

19. Silas (Silvanus)

Meaning: “Wood” or “Forest”
Introduction: Silas was a companion and fellow missionary of Paul, known for his resilience and commitment to the gospel.
Purpose: To assist Paul in his ministry and spread the gospel.
Task: Silas’ task was to accompany Paul, preach the gospel, and encourage believers in various cities.

Bible References: Acts 15:22, Acts 16:19-40, 1 Peter 5:12

20. Lydia

Meaning: “Noble one”
Introduction: Lydia was a prominent businesswoman who became one of the first converts to Christianity in Europe.
Purpose: To support the early Christian community and spread the gospel.
Task: Lydia’s task was to provide hospitality, financial support, and be a witness to the gospel in her community.

Bible References: Acts 16:14-15, Acts 16:40, Acts 18:24-26


These 20 important characters of the New Testament played significant roles in advancing the narrative and spreading the teachings of Jesus Christ. Through their various tasks and purposes, they contributed to the establishment and growth of the early Christian community. Their stories continue to inspire and guide believers today as they learn from their faith, dedication, and commitment to the gospel.

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